perm filename WORTH[AM,DBL] blob sn#192089 filedate 1975-12-15 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Components for the WORTH part of a Being. Current total: 100 bits
C00009 ENDMK
Components for the WORTH part of a Being. Current total: 100 bits

Name Nbits Interpretation of the possible numeric values

AESTH   5 Overall aesthetic interest of B. 0≡ugh!, 31≡wow!
UTIL	5 Overall utiltity, usefulness, ubiquity. 0≡no use, 31≡everywhere
CATA	4 Amount of catalytic power of this concept 0≡retards, 7≡neutral,
	  15≡led to many good ideas. The Default value for this will be 6.
SYNR	4 Amount of synergetic power of this concept. Default level is 6.
BORN	9 Value of GCNT at time that B was Created (0≡primitive)
	  Note that the number of bits needed will grow with log(Gcnt).
TTIM	9 Total cpu time spent on B (as a CS-B). #secs
	  If ever >511 cpu secs on B, then keep the value at 511.
TCSB	6 Total number of times B was the CS-B. Stops counting at 63.
MCOST	3 Rough normalized time cost: The mean value, for all cycles asa CS-B,
	  of (cpu secs used)/(avg time of all GCNT cycles). This value is
	  coded as: 0≡<.01, 1≡<.1, 2≡<.8%, 3≡<1.6%, 4≡<4., 5≡<10., 6≡<80, 7≡≥80
HCRE	3 How Created: 0≡primitive, 1≡asa spec, 2≡asa genl, 3≡asa ex,
	  4≡asa up, 7≡asa other part 
	  (this will expand as more ways to create Beings emerge in AM)
WCRE	2 Why created: 0≡end in itself, 1≡much tie-ins, 2≡focussed tie-ins,
	  3≡created for a specific purpose, of no worth outside that ctxt.
KILL	2 How/when may we kill off this Being? 0≡nver, primitive,
	  1≡only after a very long time, since B has proven useful
	  2≡appears promising or some usage has been found
	  3≡no usage or promise, this B can go without much regret
INTU	2 Quality of intuitions: 0≡none, 1≡some but not useful, 2≡good, 3≡great
VIEW	2 Quality of Viewings: 0≡none, 1≡some but not useful, 2≡good, 3≡great
INT 	2 Quality of Int factors: 0≡none, 1≡some but not useful, 2≡good, 3≡great
XRATIO	3 Rough frequency of Exs: average of all attempts to find exs(not)(bdy)
XHOPE	2 Rough hopes about the quality of examples: 0≡bad, 3≡great
	  Originally filled in by guessing, based on creation, etc. Later,
	  updated as empirical evidence rolls in (e.g., when we TRY to find exs).
XVALU	2 Rough value of existing examples: 0≡bad, 3≡great
	  Updated as new examples roll in .
NXHOPE	2 Rough hopes about the quality of non-examples: 0≡bad, 3≡great
NXVALU	2 Rough value of existing non-examples: 0≡bad, 3≡great
BXHOPE	2 Rough hopes about the quality of bdy-examples: 0≡bad, 3≡great
BXVALU	2 Rough value of existing bdy-examples: 0≡bad, 3≡great
BNXHOPE	2 Rough hopes about the quality of bdy-non-examples: 0≡bad, 3≡great
BNXVALU	2 Rough value of existing bdy-non-examples: 0≡bad, 3≡great
MSIZ	3 Rough normalized part size: The mean value, for all parts present,
	  of (size P)/(avg size of P over all Beings having P). This value is
	  coded as: 0≡<.05, 1≡<.2, 2≡<.8%, 3≡<1.4%, 4≡<3., 5≡<8., 6≡<20, 7≡≥20
GENHOPE 2 Rough hopes about the quality of genlizations: 0≡bad, 3≡great
	  Originally filled in by guessing, based on creation, etc. Later,
	  updated as empirical evidence rolls in (e.g., when we TRY to find genls)
GENVALU	2 Rough value of existing generalizations: 0≡bad, 3≡great
SPEHOPE	2 Rough hopes about the quality of speclizations: 0≡bad, 3≡great
	  Originally filled in by guessing, based on creation, etc. Later,
	  updated as empirical evidence rolls in (e.g., when we TRY to find specs)
SPEVALU	2 Rough value of existing specializations: 0≡bad, 3≡great
ALGHOPE	2 Rough hopes about the quality of algorithms: 0≡bad, 3≡great
	  Originally filled in by guessing, based on creation, etc. Later,
	  updated as empirical evidence rolls in (e.g., when we try to find algs,
	  when we try to execute the algs, etc.) Only meaningful for Actives.
ALGVALU	2 Rough value of existing algorithms: 0≡bad, 3≡great
DEFHOPE	2 Rough hopes about the quality of defns: 0≡bad, 3≡great
	  Originally filled in by guessing, based on creation, etc. Later,
	  updated as empirical evidence rolls in (e.g., when we try to find new
	  defns, when we try to execute the defns, etc.)
DEFVALU	2 Rough value of existing definitions: 0≡bad, 3≡great
SUGHOPE	2 Rough hopes about the quality of suggestions: 0≡bad, 3≡great
SUGVALU	2 Rough value of existing suggestions: 0≡bad, 3≡great
[*HOPE	2 Rough hopes about the quality of * part of B: 0≡bad, 3≡great
[*VALU	2 Rough value of existing * part: 0≡bad, 3≡great